
What's Going On?

Eczema is like your skin throwing a tantrum. It gets red, itchy, and inflamed, often appearing in patches. It's a bit like wearing an itchy sweater you can't take off. Eczema loves to hang out on your neck, wrists, ankles, and in the bends of your knees and elbows.

A woman posing a question.
A woman trying to figure out what is happening within herself.


Eczema is a bit mysterious. It's like your skin's protective shield isn't working as well as it should. This can make your skin more sensitive and prone to irritation and dryness. Your family history, environment, and immune system all play a role. It's not caused by anything you did wrong.

Are there different types?

Yes, eczema has several styles. The most common type is Atopic Dermatitis, which is like dry, itchy, red skin. There are also other kinds, like contact dermatitis, which is more like an allergic reaction. Each type has its own quirks but shares the eczema label.

A tree with many branches and things on it, showcasing a variety of options.
A happy group of people.

What can I do?

Lots! Moisturizing creams, prescription ointments, avoiding triggers, and sometimes medication help. It's like finding the right key for a lock. Your doctor or a dermatologist can help you find the best treatment for your skin's unique needs.

What's next for me?

Living with eczema is just one part of your story. You can lead a fulfilling life while managing it. Stick to your treatment plan, be gentle with your skin, and remember to relax and de-stress. You're not alone in this – eczema is common, and there's a whole community out there. You're still the incredible person you always were!

A man and woman putting together the pieces to form the path forward towards a brighter future.